Dr. Davia Shepherd has invited you to this live, experiential, interactive summit! Hurry! Registration ends Fri., Oct 14th at 5pm EST!

Ladies' Power Lunch Fall Summit 2022:

Ignite Your Leadership

Increase Income, Invite Abundance, Impact the World!!!

Live, experiential, and interactive!

October 17 - 18, 2022

This two day event will be live, experiential, and interactive and will help you embrace your calling, share your message and know that it is being heard!

  • learn from and with a sisterhood of experts
  • step-by-step action plan to accomplish your dreams
  • embrace your calling and step into your power as a leader

Hurry! Registration ends Fri., Oct 14th at 5pm EST!

$247 $197!

Are you a heart-centered entrepreneur who wants to

make a difference

in the world?

  • Do you feel like you are meant to do more, something important in this world, but can’t put your finger on exactly what that is?
  • Do you know exactly what your calling is, but you aren’t sure how to make it a reality?
  • Do you have big dreams and ideas, but no time to work on them?

If you said yes to any of these questions,

then this is the summit for you!

Hurry! Registration ends Fri., Oct 14th at 5pm EST!

$247 $197!

What would it mean to you

if you could:

  • know exactly what steps to take to thrive in your business?
  • choose which clients you WANT to work with, instead of saying yes to everyone?
  • have complete control of your schedule and freedom with your time?
  • have the financial freedom to be able to invest in yourself and your business without stressing about it?
  • have extra that you could donate to causes and organizations that are important to you?

...focus your energy on



My Divine Intuition

Thank YOU Dr. Davia for your cultivating such a rich summit experience that covered so many areas of interest for women in business. Loved the guest presenters, the fun, creative vibe, and the excitement of the raffle prizes. I'm taking so much from the day today! ❤️🙏.


Loafing Around

Hands down the best summit I have ever attended. You were dazzling and your presenters top notch. You should feel very proud of what you gave us all today. Love you to the moon and back.

All of these things can be reality

after attending the Ignite Your Leadership Summit!

This two day event will be live, experiential and interactive and will help you embrace your calling, share your message and know that it is being heard!

You can experience this event in person or virtually - whichever works best for you!

Hurry! Registration ends Fri., Oct 14th at 5pm EST!

$247 $197!


from industry leaders


with fellow collaborators


your business with ease


for attending live

Here is what you can expect

from this magical event:

leadership mindset

Embrace the new paradigm: collaborative leadership, aka heterarchy, that believes each of us has something amazing to share. This is for you even if you've never seen yourself as a leader before. It's time to redefine leadership and do things differently — not the old school, top-down, hierarchical way.

next level leadership

You've embraced your calling to share your message with the world. Practical, hands-on, and strategic — our industry experts share how to apply the principles of this new paradigm of leadership into real life, in real business, and in the real world we live.

leading by example

Out of pain and tragedy can come the largest life lessons, lessons that we are called to share. Your triumph can be the guide for others who may be experiencing similar adversities and feel alone. Learn from our experts how leading by example and sharing your message increases your reach organically.

quantum level leadership

Shift the culture and change the world. Your message becomes an integral part of raising the vibration of the planet. And your increasing your impact means you light up your people, they light their people and there is a widespread, global shift, exponentially making the world a better place.

but wait! there's more!

  • 2 full days of mindblowing content!
  • Networking and connection!
  • The very best swag bag out there!
  • Access to bonus content!
  • Access to replays if you can’t attend all sessions! Or even if you can attend, and just want to experience them again!
  • Expert knowledge from over 20 speakers!
  • Actionable step-by-step framework to embracing your leadership role!
  • Attend in person or virtually - you choose!
  • Your very own copy of our newest collaborative book: Ignite Your Leadership!

Audra Garling Mika

The Write Fit Career & College Prep Coaching

Thank you, Dr. Davia Shepherd and crew, for the slew of inspiration at today's Summit! Gabrielle Bernstein writes, "I perceive myself as a can opener who is here to crack you open to your highest potential to serve the world with your joy...remember the light within you, and you'll light up the world" in her book, "The Universe Has Your Back." As the Ladies' Power Lunch Chief Happiness Officer (CHO), Davia serves as our can opener...cracking us wide open to reach glorious new heights and to play a little every day!

teresa hnat

Teresa Hnat Studio

I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for being a part of this amazing group. Everyone I have met here has been so warm and welcoming. The energy, the support, and the positivity this group puts out into the universe is worth it's weight in gold. So so so grateful!

this is for you if...

  • you have a message to share with the world!
  • you are ready to step into your power as a leader!
  • you want to learn from and with a sisterhood of experts!
  • a step-by-step action plan is exactly what you need to accomplish your dreams!

hi there! i'm dr. Davia shepherd

master connector + Collab queen

to heart-centered entrepreneurs like you

The one thing that I’m most passionate about, the one thing that gets me out of bed in the mornings, and into the office on a Monday is the opportunity to support women in business to live their optimal lives. To grow their visibility, reach, impact and their income.

I’m a beacon for beacons... but it’s more than that:

👐🏾 I’m an amplifier. I have combined almost two decades of experience (in corporate as well as running my own small business,) with my innate ability to translate the energetic signature of the best version of you, into words. That big dream that you didn’t even know you had, for both your business and your life? Step into my field and I can not only translate it, but also make it bigger.

🦋 As a Certified Sourced™ Leader and Retreat Master, I take that higher vision of you and use it to develop a solid plan for increased visibility, reach and success. The result is that you shine your light at its most brilliant and stop being the worlds best kept secret. Your optimal clients, the ones that are losing sleep at night because they need you, are able to find you with ease and grace; and you can IGNITE YOUR LEADERSHIP and fulfill your greatest potential.

I've invited over 20 leaders to share experiences, wisdom, and transformation for you, your business and your life. Get ready to share your message, skyrocket your business and dramatically increase your impact... and income!

Both days of the summit will feature a lineup of stellar online entrepreneurs who will teach you how utilize the top strategies and tools to step into your power of leadership, stand out from the sea of sameness, get eyes your business, create genuine connections, and make more sales!

you don't want to miss this epic event!

why you won't want to miss this


Learn from the professionals who've been there, done that, and got the t-shirt. Save yourself loads of time by learning from those who've walked in your footsteps ahead of you, rather than trying to reinvent the wheel. Afterall, our experts have achieved what you're aiming to accomplish, why not learn from them?


No more crawling the interwebs, endless rabbit holes, or piece-meal trainings to achieve the visibility you dream of. This summit has it all! Get your leadership questions answered here.

YOUR audience needs you, your message, and your expertise

You have a calling to serve but it's tough to make a difference if you don't stand out. Your audience awaits you and is ready and eager to hear your message. Discover ways to be memorable amidst the mundane at the Grow Smarter: Ignite Your Leadership Summit.



Soribel Martinez


Kelly McCarthy

They Called it a Breakdown

Brittany Quagan

She Wouldn’t Listen

Leslie Gomez

From Grief to Purpose

Cristal L. Cook, LCSW

An Emerging Culture of Leadership

Teresa Hnat

Shying Away from the Spotlight

Shawniel Chamanlal

Cultivating Your Collaborative Team

Joan Wilson

Lead From the Center

Rosemary King

Heart-Led Leadership

Pat Alva-Kraker

The Secret to Success is Self-Leadership

Mary Ann Pack

Lead with Joy!

Amy Flores-Young

Leading with Impact

Kathleen Troy

The Power of The Collective

Kathleen Troy

The Power of The Collective

Elizabeth Hill

Growing a Heart-Led Team

Elizabeth Hill

Growing a Heart-Led Team

dr. Davia Shepherd


dr. Davia Shepherd


Barb Pritchard

Rebel Yell: Embracing the Leader Within

you are one idea away from

stepping into your power as a leader

This is your year! Let's get your business visible and your message heard!

Hurry! Registration ends Fri., Oct 14th at 5pm EST!

$247 $197!


DAY ONE Sessions

Monday, October 17th, 2022

Brittany Quagan

She Wouldn’t Listen

We spend our days telling ourselves stories about who we are and what we will become. Those stories begin to take shape long before we are born. I'm sharing my journey of falling into the roles I felt I needed to play to finding the power to step into the roles I choose.

Kathleen Troy

The Power of The Collective

This is an exploration of how I, and many of us, learned that if we "wanted something done right, we must do it ourselves"! This messaging is archaic, and has set many of us up for isolation and exhaustion. Our culture, and its subconscious messaging, as well as early school experiences, have shaped our limited beliefs in many nuanced ways. Parents of a certain generation thought it was weak to ask for help. We can shift this narrative!

Amy Flores-Young

Leading with Impact

I never knew what Heterarchy was (or that it was even a word) until diving into this book/summit. I quickly realized that while I always thought I was functioning in and leading in a 'heterarchial" way, I was not. Although, usually collaborative, it was still based in a hierarchy system. It is time to stand firm and lead in our own way, with support and collaboration. Taking all we have learned. Leading with strengths and leaving the silos behind. Time to step into finding your IMPACT vision and becoming the thought leader you are meant to be.

Rosemary King

Heart-Led Leadership

Throughout my life, I've been called to be a leader. Whether in the community, my business, or my own home as a mom. I've come to the extraordinary realization that leading needs to come from the heart. To be a haven for those that you choose to work with. I hope to inspire readers to lead from their hearts and to be a safe place for others to learn.

Cristal L. Cook, LCSW

An Emerging Culture of Leadership

Leadership styles have changed over the years, for the better! Historically, supervisors often led with fear and intimidation and fostered internal competition. Effective leadership has evolved into the “servant-leader” approach: supportive and caring, with a focus on mentorship, inspiration, and motivation. Growth is accomplished with trial and error - the fear of punishment squashes potential growth. The feeling of shame is damaging, and most people will do anything to avoid it. Remove fear of punishment and internal competition and magic can happen! Working synergistically, rather than competitively, has the power to help humanity reach new potential and change the world.

Teresa Hnat

Shying Away from the Spotlight

It’s time to challenge the notion that it’s the brave, the bold, and the charismatic that are meant to be leaders. The shy ones, the quiet ones, and the introverts CAN and SHOULD lead! Empathy and sensitivity are, in fact, some of the best strengths a leader can have.

DAY two Sessions

Tuesday, October 18th, 2022

dr. Davia Shepherd


I've always thought traditional leadership was not for me. I was born to collaborate and love it so much that I wrote a book about it. Then a dear friend introduced me to the idea of HETERARCHY and I was home. I share my circuitous journey to embracing the title of leader. And I share my five steps to linking arms with other leaders and using the concept of heterarchy to increase impact and reach for our messages

Shawniel Chamanlal

Cultivating Your Collaborative Team

Shawniel shares how she used the Art of Manifesting to fulfill her dream of owning a successful thriving wellness practice. She believes in an abundant mindset and cultivates this in all of her team members! Healing Springs is a community of collaborators, the mission is to support each other, so that we all rise and make a greater impact on the world - at the same time, increasing income.

Joan Wilson

Lead From the Center

Whether you are a born leader or one who has taken on a leading role later in life, a true leader continues to grow and learn. Today’s leadership paradigm is shifting into a collaborative team approach, and the most successful leaders know when to let go of control, allowing individual team members and the organization to soar.

Pat Alva-Kraker

The Secret to Success is Self-Leadership

This talk empowers the busy woman to take charge of her life and raise her level of success by leading herself first. When you focus on your self-leadership, you live in true alignment with who you are. You begin your days empowered, energized and focused. This talk includes six self-leadership principles. Just practicing one of the six principles daily, will raise your confidence and level of success.

Kelly McCarthy

They Called it a Breakdown

What the clinical world diagnosed as a breakdown was in fact the breakthrough I needed to learn to live a very different life than the one I thought I had to. It was a conscious decision to release my ego and trust what I can’t always see but when I take the pause and go within, I always know.

Mary Ann Pack

Lead with Joy!

Joy gives buoyancy to leadership so that our collaborations rise!

Leslie Gomez

From Grief to Purpose

Grief To Purpose is an introduction to my journey of loss, and how I used my journey to ignite and restore my purpose.

Soribel Martinez


When Soribel Martinez learned her life was in danger, she didn’t immediately jump into action. She froze. She procrastinated until a therapist reminded her that adversity does not destroy us - it teaches us a lesson, transforms us, and redirects us toward our true purpose. Then, Soribel got to work solving her health puzzle and building a business in alignment with her purpose to help others build their dreams. Soribel’s story shows us that you find alignment when you work from a place of purpose and service to others. This alignment creates a cyclical dance from purpose to creation to success.

Elizabeth Hill

Growing a Heart-Led Team

Elizabeth shares her story of growing her leadership and how she is working collaboratively to build the Green Heart Living team at her publishing company, where they all grow together.

Barb Pritchard

Rebel Yell: Embracing the Leader Within

I can't tell you how many times I've uttered "I don't see myself as a leader, I don't *want* to be a leader". In the days of corporate, nothing turned me off more. I'm a rebel at heart — I buck the system... becoming part of the system? Ew. Sell out. (At least that's what teenage Barb would say.)

Now, more than ever, we are being called to step into leadership roles, whether we see ourselves as one or not. But I've discovered our own "brand" of leadership doesn't have to look or feel like the typical, masculine energy of leadership.


to increase your impact, exponentially!

you are one idea away from

stepping into your power as a leader

This is your year! Let's get your business visible and your message heard!

Hurry! Registration ends Fri., Oct 14th at 5pm EST!

$247 $197!

  • When and where will Grow Smarter: Ignite Your Leadership Summit be?

Grow Smarter: Ignite Your Leadership Summit will be a hybrid live/virtual event* on Zoom that takes place on Monday, October 17th and Tuesday, October 18th starting at 10:30am EST! Sessions go from 10:30 am - 2:30 pm EST on both days.

• Mon, October 17th in-person summit sessions to be held at The Farmington Inn located at 827 Farmington Ave, Farmington, CT 06032.

• Mon, October 17th summit events are also available virtually on Zoom.

• Tues, October 18th summit events are COMPLETELY virtual on Zoom.

• In-person networking post-summit will be held on Tues, October 18th from 5pm - 7pm EST at Water's Edge Resort & Spa located at 1525 Boston Post Rd, Westbrook, CT 06498

* Limited in-person seats available for the in-person summit event on Mon, October 17th ONLY.

  • How do I register for the Grow Smarter: Ignite Your Leadership Summit?

Just click here! You can check out with your credit card and secure your spot at the summit.

  • When will registration end?

Grow Smarter: Ignite Your Leadership Summit registration will close Fri, October 14th at 5pm EST.

  • What's included with my ticket purchase?

• Join us for two (2) full days of workshops and keynotes focused on giving you the tools you need to step into your power as a leader.

• Expert knowledge from over 20 speakers.

• Attend in person* or virtually - you choose!

• Your very own copy of our newest collaborative book: Ignite Your Leadership.

• Networking opportunities and connection, both virtual and in-person.

• The very best swag bag out there.

• Actionable step-by-step framework to embracing your leadership role.

• Access to bonus content.

• Access to replays if you can’t attend all sessions! Or even if you can attend, and just want to experience them again.

* Limited in-person seats available for the in-person summit event on Mon, October 17th ONLY. Mon, October 17th in-person summit sessions to be held at The Farmington Inn located at 827 Farmington Ave, Farmington, CT 06032. Mon, October 17th summit events are also available virtually on Zoom. Tues, October 18th summit events are COMPLETELY virtual on Zoom.

  • Is the the Ignite Your Leadership Summit live?

Yes, the event is Live on October 17th & 18th. The bonus content sessions are the only pre-recorded sessions, everything else is live and experiential.

  • How do I network with other attendees?

While the event is live, you can use our chat function to engage and mingle with other event attendees! You can also join us at the in-person post summit networking event on Tues, October 18th from 5pm - 7pm EST at Water's Edge Resort & Spa located at 1525 Boston Post Rd, Westbrook, CT 06498

If you want to network even more, join our Facebook group: LadiesPowerLunch

  • I'm coming in from out of town. Are there suggested hotel accommodations?

Yes! We secured a special rate at Farmington Inn! When you call to book, just mention you will be attending the Ladies Power Lunch Summit!

Mon, October 17th in-person summit sessions to be held at The Farmington Inn located at 827 Farmington Ave, Farmington, CT 06032.

  • I can't make it to the Ignite Your Leadership Summit. Will there be replays?

Yes! If you can’t make the event, or want to rewatch a session, there will be replays available following the event.

  • How long do I have access to the summit replays?

Summit replay trainings will be available via the Grow Smarter Not Harder portal for one month.

  • How do I access the Grow Smarter: Ignite Your Leadership Summit?

Before the event, we will send you a unique link so you can log into the event portal. If you don’t receive the link on the morning of the event, please reach out to Sandy at [email protected]

  • I can't get into the Grow Smarter: Ignite Your Leadership Summit. What should I do?

Our event platform works best on Chrome. Make sure you are using the most recent version of Chrome.

Note that you may need to disable any known firewall that might be blocking access to the event.

step into your power as a leader,

shift the culture, and change the world

Hurry! Registration ends Fri., Oct 14th at 5pm EST!

$247 $197


I attended the event on collaboration because I am stepping outside of my comfort zone. Life is … all about the collective. And by giving, I am also receiving. I would describe LPL as Energetic, Empowering and Enlightening. As a result, I scheduled Zoom meetings with members, and I have set myself free to receive again. Thanks a million!

-Dee DiFatta

Through this group I've not only grown my business but I've connected with such amazing and inspiring ladies. I consider many of these ladies to be my friends. When I think of LPL: inspiring, friendships, empowering and growth are what immediately come to mind, though I'm not sure any of these words really do justice to how amazing this group is.

-Teresa Hnat

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Grow Smarter is part of Ladies Power Lunch and Dr. Davia Shepherd LLC.  • © 2022 • All rights reserved • Legal